The Reports tool is used to generate customized reports using information available within PowerHub or acquired via third-party connections. Reports can be generated based on data from single projects as well as aggregated data from multiple projects in a portfolio.
There are many types of Reports that can be setup on PowerHub—they track project costs, revenues, operations, invoicing, maintenance, truck roll values and more. To setup these or other custom Reports, contact your Customer Success Specialist or submit a ticket.
To view or edit reports, you'll either need to be an administrator for your organization or be granted the right permissions. For more information on PowerHub's security settings, click here.
This article will also discuss:
Adding New Reports
PowerHub features an expanding library of reports that have been produced as a product of our industry and client-facing experiences. To make these reports available to your organization, please contact your Customer Success Specialist to with your team and determine which of these reporting solutions best suits your needs.
If PowerHub's standard set of reports doesn't quite get the job done, our team has extensive experience working with your team to build custom reporting solutions from the ground up.
Once you've decided on your reports, a Customer Success Specialist will install them to your organization's Workspace, and the projects and portfolios of your choosing.
Report Setup
First, access your available reports via the Reports section of any Workspace, Project, or Portfolio reports are installed to.
Many reports use a form to set parameters necessary for them to run properly. The Report Setup Form is one of three action buttons located to the right of each report title in the Reports section.
Report Setup Forms are unique to each Report, and like many forms require you to fill out certain fields marked with (*) before they can be saved.
Once you've filled out all mandatory fields of the Setup Form, click Save & Close to return to the reports list.
Report Scheduling
Once you've chosen your report's parameters, you can schedule the date and time you want the report to run, and whether it will run on a recurring basis or not. The same Report can also be generated according to multiple schedules.
Start by clicking the Schedule Report button for the report you want to schedule.
The first screen you'll see displays any previous schedules you've set for the report. Click the Add New button to create a new schedule.
Scheduling a Single Report
To schedule the report to run once, use the Frequency dropdown list to select that option. After that, be sure to give the report a name and run date.
Depending on which report you're scheduling, the Parameters options may differ. For this Invoice Report, Data Range is mandatory (*) for the scheduler to run.
You can also choose to automatically publish documents (for example a .pdf) produced by the report by checking the box beside Publish. To do so, you'll need to give the document a name and security tag.
Scheduling a Recurring Report
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Select the Recurring option from the Frequency dropdown list to schedule a recurring report.
The scheduler needs to have a name and know its start date, frequency and day(s) of the month to run on.
All other setup requirements remain the same as scheduling a single report.
Schedule Actions
After you've activated your new schedule, there's a few actions associated with it.
Tip: to switch between these actions, use the grey in the top right corner of any action button menu to return to your list of schedules.
Use the Reports Generated button to see a list of all documents produced by the report since you activated it. Each of these documents have their own set of actions, which you can learn more about here.
The Edit button allows you to make changes to the schedule after it's been activated. Greyed out options cannot be changed once the scheduler has been created.
Finally, use the Delete button to remove the selected scheduler entirely.
Generating a Report
To generate a report manually, use the View Report button for the report you've selected.
You'll need to fill out some parameters (to the right of the report window) for the report to run. As was the case before, these parameters will differ between reports.
When you've chosen these parameters, click the View Report button to generate the report (in the example above, we've generated an invoice report.
Saving your Report
After you've generated your report, you can save a record of it in a few different ways. Be sure to save a copy as this preview doesn't automatically save and will be lost when you leave this menu.
The easiest method is to use the Save as Document button above the report parameters window.
Use the following Save Document menu to name the report and assign it a security tag. You can choose to give it a description and make the document public to other organization members by checking the Save as Publish Document box.
Once you click Save, a record of the report will be saved to the Documents section of the Project, Portfolio or Workspace your working with.
Alternatively, you can either Export your report to several different file formats or
Print a copy. Both options are available via the blue header above the report preview.
Performance Reports
Powerhub includes a single report automatically available for every Project, Portfolio and Workspace. The Performance Report tracks generation metrics of an organization's assets. The Report is populated with data sent directly from project sites through an API call via Data Acquisition Systems (DAS).
To view this Report, head to one of the locations mentioned above and click on Reports in the Sections Bar. The Performance Report is installed under the Reports title, similar to how forms are installed to a section.
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Once your there, you'll see a familiar setup menu where you can choose parameters to run the report based on.
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Choose a time frame for the report, and the parameters to be included in the performance chart. You can also select baselines to compare your parameters against using this menu.
The Compare Data fields are used to select which parameter and baseline will be compared when the report runs.
When your satisfied with your settings, click the View Report button.
To save a record of the report, you can either Export it to several different file formats or
Print a copy.
If you need further assistance, please contact your organization's Administrator. As an Admin, if you need further assistance, please submit a Ticket or contact your Customer Success Specialist directly.